HOME > 蒸溜所 > Tamba Distillery

Tamba Distillery



エリア Hyogo-Japan
設立年 1925
所有者 Kizakura Co.,Ltd.
蒸留器 Initial distillation unit: Straight type x 1 unit, stainless steel pot still x 1 unit Re-distillation unit: Bulge type x 1 unit, stainless steel pot still x 1 unit
年間生産量 80,000 liters
蒸溜所ツアー Not Available


Tamba Shinoyama, a historical castle town with abundant nature, is also known as a production area of black beans and Chestnuts. The city is also famous as a Sake producer called “Tamba Toji”. Tamba factory of Kizakura, one of the biggest Sake production companies in Japan, is also in the same area. Since the clear air, the temperature difference of more than 30 degrees Celsius in a year, the high humidity that causes fog are ideal for whiskey production, “Tamba Distillery” was opened at the location.


  • 1925年: Jirokuro Matsumoto established a sake brewery in Shinmachi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto. He laid the foundation for the famous sake "Kizakura".
  • 1964年: Changed the company name to Kizakura.
  • 1966年: Launchd "Kinjirushi Kizakura"
  • 1974年: Completed the construction of the Tamba factory. Four-season brewing dramatically increases brewing capacity
  • 1995年: Entered the microbrewery bussiness as the first craft beer in Kyoto
  • 2004年: Started production of authentic Shochu with single stainless steel pot still
  • 2006年: Changed the company name to Kizakura
  • 2018年: Received the whiskey production license, started the production


