HOME > 蒸溜所 > Ikawa Distillery – Juzan Co., Ltd.
特種東海製紙株式会社 - https://www.tt-paper.co.jp/

Ikawa Distillery – Juzan Co., Ltd.



エリア Shizuoka, Japan
設立年 2020
所有者 Juzan Co., Ltd.
蒸留器 1 units for initial distillation, 1 unit for re-distillation
仕込み水 Spring water from Southern Alps and Oi River
年間生産量 70,000 liters
蒸溜所ツアー Under Planning


Tokushu Tokai Paper, a paper manufacturer, has announced plans to build a whisky distillery in Aoi Ward, Shizuoka City. Although it will be a challenge to a different industry, it is said that the expansion into whisky was triggered by the opening of the Linear Shinkansen, which is scheduled to run between Tokyo and Nagoya by 2027. As this route passes through the premises of Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd., it was decided to consider new ways to utilize water and forest resources, and whisky production was selected.
In 2020, the Southern Alps Division of Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd., which manages the company-owned forests of Igawa, established Juzan Co., Ltd. and succeeded in forest management and whisky production. Started making whisky.


  • 2010年: Tokushu Tokai Holdings absorbs and merges Tokai Pulp and Tokushu Paper Co., Ltd., creating Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd.
  • 2018年: Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd. decided to start whisky production
  • 2020年: The Southern Alps Division of Tokushu Tokai Paper Co., Ltd., which manages the company-owned forests of Igawa, established Juzan Co., Ltd. and succeeded in forest management and whisky production. Started making whiskey.


