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THE NIKKA WHISKY DISTILLING Co., LTD - https://www.nikka.com/eng/distilleries/miyagikyo/
THE NIKKA WHISKY DISTILLING Co., LTD - https://www.nikka.com/eng/distilleries/miyagikyo/
THE NIKKA WHISKY DISTILLING Co., LTD - https://www.nikka.com/eng/distilleries/miyagikyo/

Miyagikyo Distillery – Nikka Whiskey



エリア Miyagi prefecture-Japan
設立年 1969
所有者 Nikka Whiskey
蒸留器 4 units for initial distillation, 4 units for re-distillation
仕込み水 Subsoil water of Nikka river
年間生産量 5,000,000 liters
ブレンド銘柄 Taketsuru
蒸溜所ツアー Available

ABOUT Miyagikyo Distillery - Nikka Whiskey

Masataka Taketsuru who founded the Miyagikyo Distillery, aimed to create a complete contrast with the Yoichi Distillery. In addition to the difference in terroir, Miyagikyo has a different distillation method, so produce unique malt whiskey. Pure malt whiskey Taketsuru is blend of two brands, with Yoichi serving as malt whiskey and Miyagikyo serving as grain whiskey, it well-balanced taste. The pot stills at Miyagikyo Distillery are much larger than at Yoichi Distillery and have different shapes, such as bulge necks and rising line arms. This pot still is heated with indirect steam, so the temperature is low and slow distillation is possible. This method of distillation gives Miyagikyo single malts a soft, floral character.


  • 1967年: Masataka Taketsuru decided to build the second distillery next to Yoichiat near confluence of the Nikka and Hirose rivers
  • 1968年: As a Taketsuru Masataka's command, construction of a new factory began at Tozakiharakami, Sakunami, Miyagi-cho, Miyagi-gun, Miyagi Prefecture
  • 1969年: Inauguration. Released "Old Nikka" to commemorate the completion of the Sendai Factory
  • 1983年: Received the Minister of International Trade and Industry Award as an excellent greening factory
  • 1986年: Received the Prime Minister's Award as an excellent greening factory
  • 1987年: Miyagi Town merged with Sendai City. Address changed to 1 Nikka, Sendai City, Miyagi
  • 1989年: Released "NIKKA SINGLE MALT WHISKY 'MIYAGIKYO' 12 YEARS OLD". The name of the distillery was written as "SENDAI "MIYAGIKYO" DISTILLERY"
  • 1992年: Open Garden house "Akarenga" on company grounds
  • 2001年: Nikka Whiskey becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Asahi Breweries
  • 2002年: The Hokkaido Yoichi Distillery was designated as a certified distillery first time in Japan by the world's largest whiskey connoisseurs group, The Scotch Malt Whiskey Society (SMWS)
  • 2003年: "Single Malt Sendai" series changed to "Single Malt Miyagikyo"
  • 2004年: Sendai Factory Miyagikyo Distillery was designated as a certified distillery by SMWS. Trademark application for "Miyagikyo" (Registration date: July 29, 2005)
  • 2007年: Trademark application for "Miyagikyo Distillery" (Date of registration: December 10, 2010)
  • 2009年: An appeal was filed against the trademark of "Miyagikyo Distillery" (Exclusive applicability was recognized on November 8, 2010, and the appeal was dismissed.
  • 2014年: The NHK TV series "Massan", modeled after Nikka Whiskey's founder Masataka Taketsuru and his wife Rita, started broadcasting (until March 28, 2015). After the start of TV series broadcasting, the number of visitors to the distillery was more than doubled compared to the same month of the previous year
  • 2015年: New visitor center established at Miyagikyo Distillery
  • 2019年: Held a special exhibition on the 50th anniversary of the distillery with the theme of "Whiskey Future Base" and sold limited products


